Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tips on Buying Cheap Laptops

Laptops are gaining in popularity these days. Almost everyone is carrying one now either for work or entertainment. Laptops with the latest technology are introduced to the market everyday and these new laptops come with a huge price tag. However, that does not mean you cannot get a good and cheap laptop. I have put together a guide that may help you out in your hunt for a cheap and good laptop.

Buy cheap laptop with older technology

Rapid advance in technology makes it meaningless to buy the latest technology at a high price. When laptop with wireless capability first came to the market, a unit with this technology can cost up till US$2500. NOw after 2 years, you can get a relatively fast centrino laptop for less than US$1000

Buy used or refurbished laptop
The depreciation of a laptop value is so high, that after one year in the market, a laptop can easily lose half its value. So if you are looking for a cheap laptop, look for one which is close to one year old. Not all used laptop are in bad condition. You will be surprised to find that some used laptops are still in good condition because their owners are power users or gamers.

Buy laptop from power users or gamers
I like to buy electronic gadgets including laptops from hard core power users or gamers. Let me share with you why. Gamers or power users usually require the latest and most powerful technology to run their games or power hungry applications. They often will not settle for second best. They also have the tendency to chase after the latest technology. So after one year, they will be bored of what they have and will look to sell off their laptops so that they can buy a new one. Now if you are looking to buy cheap laptops with up to date technology and you happen to have friends who are gamers, do ask them if they are looking to sell off their laptops. Who knows, maybe you can buy a good and cheap laptop from them.

Scan through gaming forums and local gaming community
if you do not already have friends who like to play computer games, then scanning through gaming forums on the internet is another way to get good and cheap deals for used laptop. Internet makes it easy for you to do this. Go to and start searching for gaming forums. Visit each and everyone and see if they have a Trading Section. You will definitely find many post from gamers looking to sell their gaming laptops.

Scan through local bulletin boards
Do scan through local bulletin boards near you for cheap deals on laptop.Especially if there are software companies around the area. Software companies do offer their used computers or laptops for sale when their software projects end. I personally had gotten a few good deals for my family and friends.

Look for cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory
This is especially important for used laptop. If the processor speed is slow, then having more memory can compensate for the lack in speed. In fact, The size of memory plays a big part in determining how fast a laptop runs an application. Just by increasing the memory size, you can see a huge difference in speed. A cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory can run most non graphic intensive application easily.

Get cheap laptop from reputable manufacturer
This is very important because if you are buying used laptop, then the chances of requiring servicing is higher than a new laptop. So if you buy from a reputable manufacturer, you will save alot of trouble and time if your laptop do require servicing.

Tips on Finding Online Information

Copyright 2006 Tony Mase

In his book "How to Get What You Want", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", talks about the importance of "making constructive use of the people and things in your environment" in getting what you want.

One way you make constructive use of the people and things in your environment is to get the help you need, when you need it.

If you spend any amount of time on the Internet, you'll occasionally need someone's help...

It might be help with an online purchase, technical support for a product, or some other kind of help.

Regardless of the kind of help you need...

The manner in which you ask for that help will determine the quality and the quantity of the help you receive now and in the future.

You see...

There are two ways you can ask for help online...

One is "constructive"...

The other is "destructive".

When you ask for help in a constructive manner, you'll get the help you need, when you need it, and you'll "build" a relationship that'll keep the door open for future help.

On the other hand...

When you ask for help in a destructive manner, although you might get the help you need this time, you'll "destroy" any chance of a relationship and close the door to future help.

Based on the thousands of questions and support requests I've received and answered online, here are five powerful tips that'll help you get the help you need, when you need it, and get it in a way that'll leave the door wide open for future help:

Tip #1 - Don't lead with your chin.

Leading with your chin is a great way to get knocked on your...


You fill in the blank. :-)

The single most important thing you need to remember when you're asking for help online, whether you're asking by email or by filling out an online form, regardless of how angry or frustrated you might be, is that there's a real "live" person on the other end...

A person who has "feelings" just like you do!

Including phrases in your first request for help like...

"Are you going to help me right now, right this minute, or are you going to give me my money back?"...


"I'm starting to think this is a scam!"...


"If I don't hear back from you in one hour, I'm going to call my lawyer!"...

Might make you feel good, but they'll virtually guarantee whatever help you do get right now will be minimal, at best, and your chances of getting anything other than minimal help from that person again in the future will be somewhere between slim and none.

Tip #2 - Be polite.

For some strange reason, one I've yet to figure out, many people seem to think the rules of simple, common courtesy don't apply online...

Don't you be one of them!

A request for help written in a polite tone, using "please" and "thank you", will, more often than not, get you a prompt and courteous reply.

Tip #3 - DON'T SHOUT!!!

Whether you know it or not, typing your request for help in all capital letters is the online equivalent of shouting in the face of the person who receives it...


The liberal use of multiple exclamation marks makes your shouting even louder and more emphatic!

Question for you...

Do you like it when someone shouts in your face?

Guess what?

Neither does anyone else! :-)

Tip #4 - Keep your request short and to the point.

Most people doing business online don't have the time to read long, drawn out messages trying to figure out what you need, nor do they have the time to keep writing you back over and over again trying to clarify what you need.

When you ask for help online, *always* include your name, contact information, order information, specific dates, specific details, and a clear, concise description of the help or information you need.

Avoid including any information that doesn't directly contribute to helping the person you're asking for help to give you the exact help you need.

Tip #5 - Say thank you.

After you've received the help you've asked for, a simple "thank you!" or "thanks, I appreciate your help!" will go a long way towards insuring the door will be wide open the next time you need that person's help again.

Once again...

The single most important thing you need to remember when you're asking for help online is that there's a real "live" person on the other end.

Treat that person as you'd like to be treated and you'll find as I have that, more often than not, you'll get all the help you need, when you need it, and that person's door will always be open to you should you need their help again.

(source: internet)

Important Things When You Are Online.

When you connect to the internet you can harm your PC. That is a fact. The reason antivirus software and other similar products where created is to protect your PC.

It is not your fault that you got viruses, however you should take the precaution methods to stop this from happening again.

Keep PC Clean: It is important that your PC stays clean if you use the internet. Clean from the 'bad, harmful objects' that are also known as spy ware, adware or viruses.

There are many different types of harmful objects but luckily there exist also cure to keep your PC protected.

A must use Software: The two most important software you must have are an antivirus and an anti adware. There is no need to purchase 30 different kinds of anti spy ware software...

However you must choose two software which will protect your PC. These will work in the background automatically. Some anti adware products also heal spy ware not just adware.

Schedule Maintenance: The software will block spy ware and adware. However you should also use the software when you are offline. You should scan your
PC using both software at least once every three weeks. That will clean any harmful objects. These objects can make a lot of harm to your PC.

Safety Measurements: We already mentioned that you need two software to keep ongoing protection on your PC.

If you download software/movies/images/videos or any other thing from the internet it is recommended that you scan those items. Before opening them right click on them and use your antivirus to scan them.

Go to Control Panel to turn on Firewall. Firewall is also an ongoing protection which is very important.

Once you have your software installed these protect your PC and you get back the freedom you deserve. Remember that prevention is better than cure.

(source: internet)

Tips on Buying New Computers

Computers are sold everywhere these days. For most people, buying a new computer does not have to be as stressful as buying a new car. Nor does it have to be as expensive. If you’re like most people, and you have a limited budget for buying a computer, then you need to try to get as much computer for your money as possible.

Here are 3 simple ways anyone can save money when buying a new computer:

1) Shop around for best deal.

Sounds pretty obvious. But many people don’t realize they don’t need the fastest, most expensive computer with the most “extras”. In fact, if you are already using an older computer, even the least expensive new computer will be a big upgrade. If you don’t know a lot about computers, you can learn a lot by shopping around. Ask lots of questions, compare prices, compare features, then find the best price. Shop at your local electronics store, and look for the best deals online. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save by shopping around!

2) Install your own “extras”

Many computers you will find in a store have a lot of extra software already installed. While this is convenient, it is not always the best way for you to save money. Also, while many of these extras sound good, you don’t always need them. You can often find better deals by shopping around separately for your own software extras (such as a word processor, anti-virus, popup blocker, spyware removal, games, etc). And some of these you can get for free. So before you buy the “fully loaded” computer, ask yourself if you really need all the extras, then shop around to see if you can buy a scaled down computer - and get the extras yourself for much less!

3) Don’t buy extended warranty

If you are not a computer “techie”, the extended warranties offered by the computer retailers often sound like a good idea. After all, who wants to be bothered paying for service on a computer after you buy it. But keep in mind that most computers come with a warranty, and most computer problems will either happen at the beginning (when you still have the warranty in effect) or much later (when it might be cheaper to buy a new computer). Technology changes very quickly these days. So consider whether or not it’s worth the inflated price of the extended warranty. And, if you really feel you need the extended warranty, then ask to purchase it at a lower price. Not all retailers will negotiate on the warranty, but some will. And whether you buy the extended warranty or not, make sure you back up all your files periodically, just in case!

If you have an unlimited budget, consider yourself lucky. And if you do business on the computer, make sure you get what you need, while trying to keep the price down. At any price, buying something that does not fit your needs is not a good deal.

Hope you find these tips helpful, and happy computer shopping!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

10 Tips To Print with Printer Anywhere

PrinterAnywhere has developed a new technology and software that allows any user with internet connection to connect and print any document all over the world. Users now have the power and provision to connect to any printer all over the world without any networking. The users just need to download and install the free software that PrinterAnywhere provides. That too without the requirement of any special knowledge by the user or the owner of printer!

With the software that Printer Anywhere provides, the user is now able to print anything directly from your applications like the Photo Editor, Outlook Explorer, and so on. Also the page the user wants is printed thousands of miles away from your own computer. 

The software is developed with such precision that uses high security as well as the quality standards for the printing the page at the desired destination. The software also uses a high quality encryption algorithm and securely sends the printable media through electronic pulses to the desired destination. This also adds to the user’s security because the imitation of the original copy is sent. 

The Printer Anywhere software also bans the forwarding of the document, thus, unlike e-mail, solves the problems faced for the privacy issues. It is also unnecessary for the user to have an email id for the printing of document anywhere in the world. The user also has the authority of how many copies are to be printed. 

There are the ten most basic reasons why to print documents around the world using on the software that is provided by Printer Anywhere. The ten reasons are:

1. To ensure that the documents are not only received but also printed:
Many times it happens that the important documents that are sent through email are received properly but are either misplaced or are deleted from the receivers computer. With PrinterAnywhere, the user can be assured that the documents are not just received but printed so that the receiver has a hard copy of the documents.

2. The user does not want to send electronic copies of the documents:
With the sending of emails, all the privacy issues pop-up. The emails, for example, can be forwarded and the privacy of the document is compromised. Instead if the user chooses to print the document using PrinterAnywhere, the user has a benefit of preventing the abuse of privacy.

3. The recipient does not have the application to open the document: 
With the technology advancing all the time, there is an acute possibility that the recipient does not have the proper application to open certain documents that have come from the other parts of the world. Hence it is very useful to have the software provided by PrinterAnywhere, which facilitates the printing of any document in any part of the world. This saves the time in finding and installing the correct application to open the document.

4. The user wants to print paper photos on someone else’s printer:
The software is very useful in printing you archived photos on any printer in any part of the world. So, instead of sending the photos through email and then let the recipient download and then print the photos, the user can directly print the photos on the recipient’s printer.

5. The user wants to ensure that the documents are printed on loy on the specific printer:
The software provided by the PrinterAnywhere ensures that when a document sent for printing, it goes to the right recipient.

6. The user wants to print directly from the applications as if it were a local printer:
The user now has the opportunity of printing the required document directly from the application by just commanding the application to print and then giving the correct link of the address of the recipient printer.

7. Microsoft printer sharing on the home network of the user doesn’t seem to work:
The Microsoft printer sharing may not work correctly hence; PrinterAnywhere is a better option for all the users.

8. The document is too big to print or the user wants to save his paper:
If the user does not wants to waste his paper for something which maybe useless yet necessary, then with PrinterAnywhere, the user has the option to directly print the document at the recipient’s printer.

9. Fax quality is not good or the international fax calls are very expensive:
The Fax calls are very expensive in case you want to send a fax overseas. In this case the PrinterAnywhere is a very good option.

10. The user wants to print right at that moment and for free:
PrinterAnswers is the best option to print documents on the spot and for free.

With all these reasons, PrinterAnywhere is the most irresistible.

Friday, January 16, 2009


lsass.exe is part of the security system that comes along with Microsoft Windows. The task of lsass.exe is to verify the validity of users when they log onto the PC.

By ending the lsass process you may encounter some difficulties when using Windows.

However lsass.exe may sometimes be a trojan horse or downloader disguised to look like an innocent process.

The lsass.exe file is located in the System32 folder, or C:\Windows\System32. If it is located anywhere else on the hard drive or computer, it is not a legitimate program and should immediately be deleted or quaratined. You should never delete or tamper with the file if it is located in the system32 directory.

The only way to determine whether the lsass.exe running is legitimate is to run a full scan of the computer.